I made a special visit to the Aston Manor Transport Museum to take some photographs before it's in impending closure at the end of October 2011. A financial wrangle with the City Council means that this unique insight into the history of transport in the Midlands will probably be lost.
A model of a tramway.
A general view of the interior.
The "number 11 buz", the service I used to get to and from school in the 60s. In those days from the Yew Tree, Yardley to Cartland Road, Kings Heath cost 3 1/2d ("threppen ce 'apenny childs please!").
An assortment of memorabilia.
Lots of mechanical 'bits'.
Old bus-stop signs.
You know what it's like. You wait ages for a bus and then...
A model of the museum.
A small model tram.