This is for Sir Charles Holte:
To the Memory of
Who, after a Decline of three Years,
Which he bore with the greateft Patience and Refignation,
Departed this Life the 12th of March.1782.
Aged 60 Years.
Sir Charles was the fecond Son of Sir Cleobury Holte, Bart.
He married, in 1755, Ann the Daughter of Pudfey Jeffon Efqre and left only
one Child, Mary-Elizabeth. the Heirefs of this Family; married. in 1775. to
Abraham Bracebridge. of Atherftone, Efqre ------- By the Will of her Uncle.
Sir Lifter Holte. Bart. the large Eftates in this County. and other valuable
Poffeffions. were alienated: and his Niece, then an Infant, deprived of the
Patrimony of her Anceftors. .
This Monument marks the hallowed Spot. where the Remains of a beloved
and revered Friend were depofited: but it cannot reprefent the unutterable Grief
occafioned by his Death, or convey an adequate Idea of her gratitude, who, for
twenty feven Years, experienced all the Happinefs
that the moft indulgent and affectionate
Hufband could beftow.