A negative image of the plaque above the Devereux monument. It reads:
Here lieth Edw. Devereux of Castle Bromwch. Knight and
Baronett, youngest son of Walter Lord Ferrers of
Chartley, and Viscount Hereford, by Marga , his second
wife, Daug. of Robt. Garnish of Kinto Hall, in comit :
SVF : Esqre., who married Kathe. eldest Daugh. of Edw. Arden,
of Parkhall, Esqre., by who he had issue 5 Sons and 4 Daughrs.
Sr Walter, Kni. and Baronett, William, George, Edw., and Henry,
Margaret, Ann, Howard, and Grace Sr Wal. married Eliz., second
Daugh. and Heire. of Rob. Bayspoole of Aldeby, in com Norf :
Esq., who died wthout issue. Secondly he married Elis., second
Daugh. of Thos. Knightly Brovghall, in com Staff., Esq.,
Brother to Sir Rich. Knightly of Favsley, in com Nortn.
Kni. George married Blanch, Daugh. and Heire of John Ridge.
in com Sallop, Gen. Hen. married Barbara, Daugr. and Heire
of Robt Smallbrooke, of Yardly. Gen. William and Edward died
unmarried. Marga. married Sr Hugh Wrotsley of Wro-
tsley in com Staff, Kni. Ann married Rob. Leighton,
of Wattelsborowe, in com Sallop, Esqre. Howard
married Tho., son and heire of Sr Tho. Dilke of Mac-
stoke Castle, in com War , Esqre. Grace, the youngest,
wth Sir Edw., died the 22nd of September, Ano Dni 1622.
Yes, spot the deliberate mistake... Howard married Tho., son and heire...
(lines 18 and 19). I copied this transcription from Eliot but when I check the photograph I took of the tablet that is exactly what is engraved!! Anybody any ideas? (There is no mention of Brighton in com Sussex anywhere )