A memorial to Diana Holte, and below to Sir Lister Holte. The Diana inscription reads:
In The Vault Underneath is
Daughter of SR CHARLES HOLTE Bart & Dame ANN his Wife
She was Born on the 8th day of Augft
In ye Year of Our Salvation 1696.
And haveing fought ye Good Fight,
Kept ye Faith & Finifht Her Courfe
Obtained Eternal life whereunto She was called
On ye 9th day of September 1724.
In Memory of
Whofe Exemplary Virtue,
And Moft Dutifull, & Affectionate Behavior to Her Parents
Her Afflicted Mother
Caufed this Marble to be Erected.
The lower inscription reads:
To the Memory of
He married
1ft Lady Anne Legge youngeft Daughter of William Earl of Dartmouth
2ly Mary youngeft Daughter of Sir John Harpur Bart of Calke in the County of Derby
laftly SARAH youngeft Daughter of Samuel Newton Efq of Kings Bromley in the County of Stafford
She died 1st April MDCCXCIV Aged 70
SIR LISTER died without Ifsue 8th April MDCCLXX Aged 50.
His real Eftates after the death of
Charles his furviving brother
He entailed fuccefsively on Heneage Legge Efq and Lewis Bagot Bifhop of St Afaph
Nephews of his firft Wife
and Wriothefley Digby Efq of Meriden in this County
on failure of whofe refpective Ifsue He gave the fame to his own right Heirs for ever.
This Monument was erected
as a Memorial of his Virtues
and in compliance with the wifhes of his Widow
by her affectionate fifter
Elizabeth Newton