H. S. E.
de ASTON in Agro WARWICENCI, Baronettus,
Qui Natus XXII die Martii Anno MDCXLVIII.
Denatus XV Junii MDCCXXII.
Primarum Nuptiarum Filius Patrem habuit ROBERTUM HOLTE
Cujus Praenobili Familia teneram fere exegit AEtatem Ubi Amoris
et in Deum et in Patriam ifs imbutus eft Principifs Quibus
futurum erat, ut fequentis Vitae Decurfu fplendide
uteretur ab iffdem nunquam defcifceret.
Univerfitate OXON per complures Annos Studiis vacavit Ubi
Magiftratus in Artibus in medicina Doctoratus fufcepit Gradus Huic
Facultati ideo potiffimum incubuit quod poft aeternae Salutis Curam
Hominibus utiliffimum fore duxit confectos Cruciatu AEgrotantes
fublevare per Peritiam in Re Medicinali Medicamenta etiam Egenis
fuppeditando plurimos ad fanitatem reduxit Qui Morbis occubuerant
nifi eorum Inopiae pariter as adverfae Valetudini pie fubveniffet.
Multa quoq, quae in Medicis ac Phyficis accuratiffime
notavit Penum locupletaffent publicum, nifi
Modeftia nimis injuriofa ea omnia
Igni devoviffet.
Perantiqua e Stirpe ortus Quum Familiae fuae Dignitate praeeffet,
Reipublicae Munia, iftiuf modi Viris deferri folita ita obivit ut in
ijs fungendis erga ECCLESIAM ANGLICANAM Pietas Spectatiffima
erga REGEM Fides intemerata, PUBLICAE fimul LIBERTATIS Studium
acerrimum; JURISQ. exquifita et caftiffima
Adminiftratio femper effulferint.
Hofpitio ufus eft perquam Liberali ea tamen Prudentia Rem
Familiarem geffit ut avitas Possessiones Flagrante Rebelione,raptas
et vaftatas, ingentibus infuper, quo Regias Partes defenderent Majorum
Impenfis haud parum immunitas Haeredi reliquerit non modo in
Integrum reftitutas, fed et multo auctiores.
Blandiffimus erat atq. Indulgens Conjux Pater Providus et
Amantiffimus, Lucidum Pietatis et Charitatis Exemplar,
Dignus deniq. Qui inter Optimos Viros
Jure merito, nec uno nomine
This translates as:
Here was buried Charles Holte, of Aston, in the County of Warwick, Baronet, who was born on 22nd March, 1648, and died 15th June, 1722. He was the son of Robert Holte, Baronet, by his first wife, Jane, grand-daughter of William Lord Brereton, Baron of Laughlin, in the Kingdom of Ireland, in whose noble family he passed nearly all his tender years, where he was imbued with those principles of love, both of God and of his country, which he used in the splendid course of his future life and never departed from them. He followed his studies for several years at the University of Oxford, where he took the degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Medicine. He gave his attention chiefly to the latter faculty because, next to the care for their eternal salvation, he considered it most useful to men to alleviate the sufferings of those who were in pain by skill and medicine. By supplying medicine also to the poor he restored many to health who would have succumbed to their diseases had he not piously aided both their poverty and sickness. Many accurate notes which he made on medicine and physics would have enriched the public had not a too destructive modesty committed all of them to the fire. Descended from a very ancient family and surpassing the dignity of all his ancestors, he so fulfilled the duties of the State, which are usually given to men of his rank, that in the discharge of them his marked attachment to the Church of England, his untarnished loyalty towards the King, coupled with the keenest care for the liberty of the people, and an impartial and pure administration of justice was always conspicuous in him. He displayed most liberal hospitality, yet he managed his private affairs with such prudence that he left to his heir the possessions of his ancestors, which, in the flames of the rebellion had been seized and injured, and besides had to no small extent been reduced by the great expenses with which he supported the King's side, not only in their entirety, but even much increased. He was a very kind and indulgent husband, a prudent and very affectionate father, a bright example of piety and charity ; in short, worthy to be reckoned not only by his name but by just right among the very best of men.
The lower panel reads:
M. S.
Monumentum hoc pofuit
Vidua ejus ANNA filia primogenita et Cohaeres
Wintoniensis in Comitatu HANTONIA Equitis, ex qua
Filius Natu Maximus
Baronettus Titulum atque
Rem paternam
This translates as:
This monument was erected by his widow, Anna, eldest daughter and co-heiress of John Clobery, Esquire, of Winchester, in the County of Hants., by whom he had four sons and eight daughters. The eldest son of these, Clobery Holte, Baronet, possesses the title and family estate.